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English translation for "cylinder coordinate"


Related Translations:
heliocentric coordinate:  曰心坐标
correct coordinates:  正确坐标
geocentric coordinate:  地心坐标地心座标
coordinate bilingualism:  同等的双语并用
tetragonal coordinates:  四面坐标
heroidal coordinates:  球面坐标
y coordinate:  y坐标纵坐标
natural coordinates:  自然坐标
provisional coordinates:  暂定坐标
chromaticity coordinate:  彩色坐标色度坐标色度座标
Example Sentences:
1.Mathieu function is the base of field theory analysis in elliptical cylinder coordinate system . so , firstly , detail investigation has been given about the problem of numerical analysis of matheiu functions , based on the predecessor ' s contribution , an improved faster algorithm of numerical analysis and confirmation algorithm of matheiu functions has been presented
2.In the first part of the paper , the explicit form of difference equation and periodic boundary condition is derived in cartesian coordinate system . secondly , the dispersive characteristic is analyzed in cylinder coordinate system for many high power microwave devices use cylinder sws . and then the method is extended to calculate the band structure of 2 - d photonic crystal , a modified yee ’ s grid is introduced to calculate the dispersive characteristic in the case of triangular lattice , so that both square lattice and triangular lattice cases can be solved in cartesian coordinate system
周期电磁结构的一个重要应用就是用作高功率微波器件中的慢波系统,考虑到目前大部分高功率微波器件的慢波系统多采用圆柱周期结构,在论文第四章中,在圆柱坐标系下,给出了差分方程和周期性边界条件的具体形式,同时编写程序,分析了milosws ,盘荷慢波结构的色散特性。
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